Photon emission of the human body (biophotons) and perceived well-being

By Pagliaro G.1, Gullà D.3, Simonetti G.1,2 Stivanello E.4 , Pandolfi P.4 ,Musti M.4, De Lisio S. 4, Ventura C.5, Tressoldi P.6.

Hospital Psychology Unit - Oncology Department, Bellaria Hospital, Bologna, Italy. 2. Psychology Department, Bologna University, Italy 3. Bologna’s Court, Bologna, Italy 4. Department of Public Health, Bologna Health Authority 5. Bologna Medical School, Bologna University, Italy 6. Research Psychologist, Padova University

February, 2024, Volume: 01, Issue: 02

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Year: 2024, Volume: 01, Issue: 02, Pages: Pages: 01-09

Original Article

  1. Hospital Psychology Unit – Oncology Department, Bellaria Hospital, Bologna, Italy.
  2. Psychology Department, Bologna University, Italy
  3. Bologna’s Court, Bologna, Italy
  4. Department of Public Health, Bologna Health Authority
  5. Bologna Medical School, Bologna University, Italy
  6. Research Psychologist, Padova University

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Received Date: 13.12.2023     Accepted Date: 15.01.2024    Published Date: 31.01.2024

Abstract: Photons emitted by the human body are called biophotons. Multiple types of research show that this kind of electromagnetic emission can help science improve knowledge on the status of biological systems and human health. This study aims at investigating the emission of biophotons in relation to perceived well-being. To analyse this relation, the emission of biophotons was measured using a digital camera, called Mira HIS, while Profile of Mood State (POMS) and SF-36 tests were administered to study the health status of the participants. 311 people were enrolled in total. Data show a moderately inverse correlation between the consistency indicator of biophotons and the domains of the POMS aggression/anger and total mood disturbance

Keywords: biophoton emission; well-being; psychological state; biophotons.

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