Year: 2024, Volume: 01, Issue: 02, Pages: Pages: 52- 60
Original Article
Department of Quantum Science of Health, Prosperity, and Happiness, University of Technology, Jaipur – 302020, Rajasthan, India
Corresponding author:
Received Date: 31.12.2023 Accepted Date: 15.01.2024 Published Date: 31.01.2024
Abstract: Money has accompanied civilizations through the ages, its original feminine characteristics having been replaced by masculine signa- tures in more recent economic developments, and finance has dematerialized it, pre-empting most uses in the field. Traditional eco- nomies are fundamentally based on transactional acts. How can we overcome the supply-demand duality in market spaces? When do we own money? What is money’s relationship to space and time? And what is missing from disembodied finance? This article invites us to open up a transformative vision of money that doesn’t limit its energy in an operational way, and that opens up a subtle side to economics thanks to the agency of mind and consciousness through an innovative ternary model based on giving, getting and recei- ving. A right relationship between mind and heart is defined, while the relationship of money to a number of archetypal values such as love, truth, justice, and above all the Whole, is clarified. When the question of money is contextualized in this way, charged with vital energy and abundance, and when it is for all, the promise of a new subtle human capital benefiting humanity becomes possible.
Keywords: Money, Mind, Consciousness, Subtle Economy
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